What people say

Another Programme successfully completed

King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust – 2021/2022 FBP Programme Participants, 20 June 2022

June 2022, saw the successful close of the Finance Business Partner development Programme at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.  The photo shows the participants, highlighting their exemplar learning.

Here’s some of their feedback:

“I now understand fully what an FBP is meant to do”

“I really enjoyed the case studies and the role play”

“What worked best? The way we were able to put theory into practice”

“Helped to shift my focus to outcomes…using different tools to provide insight to my stakeholders”

“I came away with a clear view on my development priorities and the support I need for the next steps”

“Thank you for delivering a great Programme”

(King’s Programme participants)

Arthur Vaughan, Deputy CFO and Programme sponsor said that the Programme has been genuinely impactful:

“The best thing is seeing people now using Partnering skills day to day – more focus on creating insight for stakeholders, and using that insight to help them find ways to improve operations and patient care“

Programme successfully completed

The Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust Programme started in October 2020 – it was delayed through Covid, moved to virtual workshops, and in July 2021, we were delighted to meet face to face at last.

At our last workshop in November 2021, participants came together to review and reflect on the Programme.  This is the team, highlighting the learning they found most impactful before finalising their plans to take forward Partnering in 2022.

Ian O’Connor, Chief Finance Officer and sponsor of the Programme said:

“With their collaborative approach, experience and expertise, Garvani Partnering are establishing themselves as the  authority on Finance Business Partnering in the NHS”


We ask for feedback from participants in all our Development Programme workshops.

Participants are asked to score whether the outcomes of the workshop are achieved.  The average scores for groups ranged from 67% to 96%, demonstrating a high level of achievement.

Here are examples of qualitative feedback from participants:

“Very inspiring”

“I believe it’s so much clearer now what we are here to do and how”

“Excellent examples”

“Good insights and knowledge”

We also analyse participant feedback and report back to participants with suggestions and advice for talking forward learning from the workshop.

One participant described this feedback to them as “most insightful